Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It's hard to be Alicia. She told me this morning about how she saw a lawn mower with Wolf Lawn Tree Snow on the side of the mower. I said, "Yeah, they are the base contractor for the houses that are empty. They mow their lawns." She said, "Doesn't that worry you?". I said, "Nope, glad they cut the grass". She said, "Yeah, but they are Wolf Lawn Tree Snow". I realized that something was off about the conversation. We haven't slept much in the last week with late night concerts, early morning outings and middle of the night fire alarm low battery beepings. (There are around 11 fire alarms linked together in our house.) So, I start thinking it over and say, "Well, they have to provide all of the services in this area or they'd not work 6 months out of the year with the snow." Her reply, "Yeah, but that doesn't freak you out that they do all of those things???!!!" I was trying to figure out if she thought we should use them to remove snow, did we regret buying a snow thrower, lawn mower, is she afraid that they're going to cut our grass, remove a tree??? SIGH- I'm really wishing Sr. was home at this point to translate this teenager. (He 'speaks Alicia' as we say.) I said, "Why in the world would that freak me OUT?" She dramatically puts her hands in the air to punctuate each word - WOLF.... LAWN.... TREE.... SNOW.... WOLF... "Doesn't that freak you out?" Oh, now I get it, now I giggle, now I giggle until there are tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Oh, Alicia - that's their name - Wolf, like Manning. She is not convinced because there are wolves around here and she gives me the eye. She said if their last name was Wolf then it would be Wolf's. She has a point - and still doesn't believe me. All I can do is laugh at this point and hope that she finds a good man that can put up with her high anxiety level.

1 comment:

kenady said...

just to make sure i get it... does she think they eliminate wolves as well?